Today's post is dedicated to the moms I've met thus far who are also on this journey- moms who have become my friends, my family, my sounding board, my encouragers, my tribe.
There can be a certain loneliness that comes with being a mom of a child with special needs. The therapies and doctors appointments can fill the schedule, and sometimes you feel like you don't have much to contribute in conversations with your friends who are moms of typical kids. The medical terms, different abbreviations, new therapies you want to try, etc. that you have swimming around your brain don't always transfer well into small talk.
However, I didn't realize that with Jackson's diagnosis I was also gaining a "tribe." A tribe of moms whose children have the same diagnosis and who also feel the joys and frustrations, who celebrate with us when we achieve a milestone and allow us to rant when something just isn't clicking. They get it like no one else can.
This is something the doctors don't tell you. Their lists of what your child may or may not be able to do do not include how your child will bring you together with some of the most incredible and inspiring people you've ever met. You may meet a new best friend right down the road, see some of them once a year at a retreat, or only ever "meet" some of them online- regardless, these moms become a family you didn't know you needed.
So to my fellow Rockin' moms, thank you! Thank you for listening, for cheering, for crying, for praying, for sharing. I wouldn't want to be on this journey without you!
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